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Factsheet: Contaminated land - what is a Phase 2?

Phase 2: investigation and sampling

If a source, pathway and receptor are identified in Phase 1, a Phase 2 will be recommended which involves an intrusive site investigation. 

A Phase 2 or Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment (GQRA) is conducted to determine if contaminant linkages present an unacceptable risk, and typically include:

  • Soil sampling;
  • Trial pits;
  • Boreholes;
  • Groundwater sampling;
  • Ground gas monitoring. 

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The type of investigation will depend on the likely contaminant, however it usually involves taking soil, water and possibly  gas samples from the site. 

These samples are then sent to laboratories to get analysed. These values are then compared against Guideline Values which indicate whether the samples are safe for the receptor on site.

At this stage, we need to identify if concentrations taken in the samples at the site present possible human health risks. If no, the site it suitable for use. If yes, we move to Phase 3 and create a remediation plan. 

Next article: what is a Phase 3?

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