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Searches User Guide: Historical features

Non-coal mining

Historical land uses identified from Ordnance Survey mapping that involved mining for substances other than coal. Features could include disused mines, shafts, heaps and ground workings.

Data source: Groundsure
Data update schedule: Bi-Annually

Coal and associated mining

Historical land uses identified from Ordnance Survey mapping that indicate the presence of coal working. Coal mines were often also associated with the extraction of ironstone.

Data source: Groundsure
Data update schedule: Annually

Industry associated with mining

Historical land uses identified from Ordnance Survey mapping that indicate the presence of industry which was often associated with mineral extraction. Extraction sites were often located in close proximity to these land uses. Features could include brick works, mineral tramways and waterways, potteries, iron works, stamps, mills, smelting houses. In some cases coppices and small woods were sometimes an indication, especially if near watercourses, as wood and water were both needed in the bloomeries.

Data source: Groundsure
Data update schedule: Annually