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Glossary: P

Part A Activity

An activity listed for control under IPPC by Schedule 1 to the PPC Regulations

Part A(1) Activity

An activity listed under Part A(1) of Schedule 1 to the PPC Regulations and regulated by the Environment Agency

Part A(2)/B Activity

An activity listed under Part A(2)/B of Schedule 1 to the PPC Regulations and regulated by local authorities

Part I of EPA 1990

Integrated pollution control (IPC) and air pollution control by local authorities, now replaced by Pollution Prevention Control (PPC). It places a requirement on operators of prescribed industrial processes to operate within the terms of permits to control harmful environmental discharges. PPC includes conditions to prevent the pollution of soil and requirements in relation to land filling of waste.

Part II EPA 1990

Waste Management Licensing. It places controls over the handling, treatment and disposal of wastes, since most of the historical land contamination has been the result of unregulated/badly-managed waste disposal activities.

Planning Hazardous Substance Consents

Required under the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990. If the presence of a hazardous substance is directly associated with a proposed development the local planning authority issue consents to regulate their storage and use.

Planning Hazardous Substance Enforcements

Enforcement notices requiring remedial action may be served if the consent is breached.

Public Health England (PHE)

It is an independent body that protects the health and well-being of everyone in England and Wales.

Pollution Incident

A pollution event, such as oil spills or the accidental release of raw sewage, that can harm the environment.

Potable Water Abstraction Licence

The authorisation granted by the Environment Agency that allows the removal of water from a particular source to be used as drinking water.