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Glossary: N

National Incident Recording System

The Environment Agency’s multi-functional reporting system used to record pollution incidents across the Agency’s full range of activities.

National Nature Reserves (NNRs)

National Nature Reserves were established to protect the most important areas of wildlife habitat and geological formations in Britain, and as places for scientific research.

National Park

A reserve of land chosen for its scenery and wildlife. The main role of a National Park is to conserve and enhance the landscape, buildings, plants and animals.

Nitrate Sensitive Area

A scheme operated in selected areas (all within Nitrate Vulnerable Zones) across England under the EC agri- environment measures. Areas designated as being at risk from agricultural nitrate pollution. They include about 55% of land in England. The scheme was voluntary and compensated farmers for 5 year undertakings to significantly change their farming practices to help reduce nitrate pollution of drinking water supplies.

Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ)

An area of land that drains into surface water or groundwater that has, or is at risk of having a high nitrate concentration. 55% of England was designated as a NVZ in 2002.

Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Sites Regulations (NIHHS)

The NIHHS Regulations require emergency plans to be kept up to date and regularly tested.