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Methodologies & Limitations: CON29M

CON29M notes and guidance

All Groundsure CON29M reports are prepared in accordance with The Law Society Guidance Notes 2018; under which all replies to these enquiries are made. Groundsure’s Terms and Conditions are applicable at the time the report was produced.

Property owners have the benefit of statutory protection (under the Coal Mining Subsidence Act 1991). This contains provision for the making good, to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner, of physical damage from disused coal mine workings including disused coal mine entries. A leaflet setting out the rights and obligations of either the Coal Authority or other responsible persons under the 1991 Act can be obtained by telephoning 0345 762 6848. Further information can be found on their website:

The Coal Authority, regardless of responsibility and in conjunction with other public bodies, provide an emergency call out facility in coalfield areas to assess the public safety implications of mining features (including disused mine entries).

The Coal Authority emergency telephone number at all times is 01623 646333.

Responses to The Law Society CON29M (2018) Coal Mining Search enquiries and associated findings and recommendations relating to coal mining risk have been provided by Groundsure Ltd. Groundsure Ltd have additionally provided information relating to the Cheshire Brine Compensation Area, and have compiled all information into this report.

Queries should be made of Groundsure Ltd on 01273 257 755, or via email:

CON29M report limitations

Groundsures CON29M (2018) Coal Mining Report has been carried out with reference to all available official Coal Authority licensed data, an extensive collection of abandoned mine plans, maps and records. From this material, we have endeavoured to provide as accurate a report as possible. Any and all analysis and interpretation of licensed Coal Authority data in this report is made by Groundsure

The information provided in the CON29M report by Groundsure Ltd has been compiled in response to The Law Society CON29M (2018) Coal Mining search enquiries. The scope of the assessment is limited to interpretation of past, present and future extraction of coal, and does not consider the impact from non-coal mining hazards and/or natural ground stability hazards. The Law Society's Guidance Notes 2018 recommends separate enquiries to the appropriate sources are made with regard to other minerals.

The Report is created by a remote investigation and reviews only information provided by the client (address and site location boundaries) and from the databases of publicly available and/or licensable information that enable a desk-based assessment of the Site. The Report does not include a Site Investigation, nor does Groundsure Ltd make additional specific information requests of the regulatory authorities for any relevant information they may hold.

The report is concerned solely with the Site searched and should not be used in connection with nearby properties, as only known coal mining features that could potentially have a direct influence upon the Site searched are considered relevant; other features present in the general area may have been omitted for ease of reference.

The report is confidential to the client, the client's legal advisor and the client's Mortgage lender, as defined in the Groundsure terms & conditions, and as such may be used by them for conveyancing or related purposes. Groundsure has no liability toward any person or organisation not party to commissioning this report. This report or any part of it is not permitted to be reproduced, copied, altered or in any other way distributed by any other person or organisation.

Additional mine entry assessment is based on and limited to the data supplied by the Coal Authority at the time of production. In order to determine whether a property is within the likely zone of influence of a disused coal mine entry the following is considered:

  • The actual or plotted position of the mine entry;
  • Its known or assumed diameter; and
  • The thickness of superficial deposits above rockhead.
Where these figures are not known, assumptions based on established estimations have been made.

CON29M report licensing

Groundsure CON29M reports contain data provided by the Coal Authority. Any and all analysis and interpretation of Coal Authority data in the report is made by Groundsure Limited and is in no way supported, endorsed or authorised by the Coal Authority. The use of the data is restricted to the terms and provisions contained in this report. Data reproduced in this report may be the copyright of the Coal Authority and permission should be sought from Groundsure Limited prior to any re-use. Due to data collection methods and processing time, there may be a period of up to 2 weeks between the Coal Authority updating their data and it appearing within the Groundsure report.

The Law Society CON29M Coal Mining search enquiries are protected by copyright owned by The Law Society of 113 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1PL. © Crown Copyright (2024) Ordnance Survey Licence Number 0100035207. May contain British Geological Survey materials © NERC (2024).

This report may contain public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

This report may contain plans and records held by the Coal Authority and made publicly available at the time of inspection which may include British Geological Survey and Ordnance Survey data.

This applies to Avista, Groundsure-in-One (new), CON29M and GeoRisk +.

Only the CON29M report licensing section applies to the GeoRisk Certificate - Coal and Brine.