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Methodologies and Limitations: Flooding

Flood information

The Flood Risk Assessment section is based on datasets covering a variety of different flooding types. No inspection of the property or of the surrounding area has been undertaken by Groundsure or the data providers.

The modelling of flood hazards is extremely complex and in creating a national dataset certain assumptions have been made and all such datasets will have limitations. These datasets should be used to give an indication of relative flood risk rather than a definitive answer. Local actions and minor variations, such as blocked drains or streams etc. can greatly alter the effect of flooding.

A low or negligible modelled flood risk does not guarantee that flooding will not occur. Nor will a high risk mean that flooding definitely will occur.

Groundsure's overall flood risk assessment takes account of the cumulative risk of river and coastal data, historic flood events and areas benefiting from flood defences provided by the Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales (in England and Wales) and surface water (pluvial) and groundwater flooding provided by Ambiental Risk Analytics. In Scotland the river and coastal flood models are also provided by Ambiental Risk Analytics.

Risk of flooding from rivers and the sea (RoFRaS)

This is an assessment of flood risk for England and Wales produced using local data and expertise, provided by the Environment Agency (RoFRaS model) and Natural Resources Wales (FRAW model). It shows the chance of flooding from rivers or the sea presented in categories taking account of flood defences and the condition those defences are in.

The model uses local water level and flood defence data to model flood risk.

The categories associated with the Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales models are as follows:

RoFRaS (rivers and sea) and FRAW (rivers):

Very Low - The chance of flooding from rivers or the sea is considered to be less than 1 in 1000 (0.1%) in any given year.

Low - The chance of flooding from rivers or the sea is considered to be less than 1 in 100 (1%) but greater than or equal to 1 in 1000 (0.1%) in any given year.

Medium - The chance of flooding from rivers or the sea is considered to be less than 1 in 30 (3.3%) but greater than 1 in 100 (1%) in any given year.

High - The chance of flooding from rivers or the sea is considered to be greater than or equal to 1 in 30 (3.3%) in any given year.

FRAW (sea):

Very Low - The chance of flooding from the sea is considered to be less than 1 in 1000 (0.1%) in any given year.

Low - The chance of flooding from the sea is considered to be less than 1 in 200 (0.5%) but greater than or equal to 1 in 1000 (0.1%) in any given year.

Medium - The chance of flooding from the sea is considered to be less than 1 in 30 (3.3%) but greater than 1 in 200 (0.5%) in any given year.

High - The chance of flooding from the sea is considered to be greater than or equal to 1 in 30 (3.3%) in any given year.

Historic flood events

Over 86,000 events are recorded within this database. This data is used to understand where flooding has occurred in the past and provides details as available. Absence of a historic flood event for an area does not mean that the area has never flooded, but only that Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales do not currently have records of flooding within the area. Equally, a record of a flood footprint in previous years does not mean that an area will flood again, and this information does not take account of flood management schemes and improved flood defences.

Surface water flooding

Ambiental Risk Analytics surface water flood map identifies areas likely to flood following extreme rainfall events, i.e. land naturally vulnerable to surface water or “pluvial” flooding. This data set was produced by simulating 1 in 30 year, 1 in 100 year, 1 in 250 year and 1 in 1000 year rainfall events. The flood risks for these rainfall events are reported where the depth would be greater than the threshold for a standard property to modern building standards. Modern urban drainage systems are typically built to cope with rainfall events between 1 in 20 and 1 in 30 years, though older ones may even flood in a 1 in 5 year rainstorm event.

Proposed flood defences

The data includes all Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales's projects over £100K that will change or sustain the standards of flood defence in England and Wales over the next 5 years. It also includes the equivalent schemes for all Local Authority and Internal Drainage Boards.

Flood storage areas

Flood Storage Areas may also act as flood defences. A flood storage area may also be referred to as a balancing reservoir, storage basin or balancing pond. Its purpose is to attenuate an incoming flood peak to a flow level that can be accepted by the downstream channel. It may also delay the timing of a flood peak so that its volume is discharged over a longer time interval. These areas are also referred to as Zone 3b or 'the functional floodplain' and has a 5% or greater chance of flooding in any given year, or is designed to flood in the event of an extreme (0.1%) flood or another probability which may be agreed between the Local Planning Authority and Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales, including water conveyance routes. Development within Flood Storage Areas is severely restricted.

Groundwater flooding

Groundwater flooding is flooding caused by unusually high groundwater levels. It occurs as excess water emerging at the ground surface or within underground structures such as basements. Groundwater flooding tends to be more persistent than surface water flooding, in some cases lasting for weeks or months, and it can result in significant damage to property. This risk assessment is based on a 5m Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and 1 in 100 year and 1 in 250 year return periods.

The above information applies to Homescreen, Homebuyers, Avista, Enviro Plus, Enviro All-in-One, Groundsure in One, Flood, Siteguard (all versions), Screening, Review, Review with Planning, Agricultural and Floodview.  

Ambiental FloodScore™ insurance rating

Ambientals FloodScore™ risk rating gives an indicative assessment of the potential insurance risk classification from flooding, which can provide an indication of how likely it is that a property's policy will be ceded to Flood Re. The assessment is based on Ambientals river, tidal and surface water flood data and other factors which some insurers may use in their assessment are not included. 

Flood Re is a re-insurance scheme that makes flood cover more widely available and affordable as part of your residential property home insurance. Properties at higher risk of flooding may have the flood part of their policy ceded to Flood Re by their insurer. It is important to understand that Flood Re does not apply to all situations. Exclusions from Flood Re includes properties constructed after 1 January 2009; properties not within domestic Council Tax bands A to H (or equivalent); commercial properties, certain buy to let scenarios and buildings comprising four or more residential units. A full list of the exemptions can be found on the Flood Re website (

The Ambiental FloodScore™ insurance rating is classified into six different bandings:

Very High indicates a level of risk that may make it more likely that standard insurance premiums will be higher, or additional terms may apply to the provision of flood cover. There is a very high possibility that the cover for flooding at the property will be ceded into the Flood Re scheme, particularly if the property has flooded in the past.

High indicates a level of risk that may make it more likely that standard insurance premiums will be higher, or additional terms may apply to the provision of flood cover. There is a high possibility that the cover for flooding at the property will be ceded into the Flood Re scheme, particularly if the property has flooded in the past.

Moderate-High indicates a level of risk that may make it more likely that standard insurance premiums will be higher, or additional terms may apply to the provision of flood cover. There is a moderate possibility that the cover for flooding at the property will be ceded into the Flood Re scheme, particularly if the property has flooded in the past.

Moderate indicates a level of risk that may make it more likely that standard insurance premiums will be higher, or additional terms may apply to the provision of flood cover. There is a low possibility that the cover for flooding at the property will be ceded into the Flood Re scheme, unless the property has flooded in the past.

Low indicates a level of risk that is likely to mean standard cover and premiums are available for flood cover. There is a low possibility the cover for flooding at the property will be ceded into the Flood Re scheme, unless the property has flooded in the past.

Very Low indicates a level of flood risk that should not have any impact on the provision of flood cover for the property.

The above information applies to Homescreen, Homebuyers, Avista, Enviro Plus, Enviro All-in-One, Groundsure in One and Flood.