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Glossary: L


A burial site for the disposal of waste materials. Landfill sites pose an environmental risk due to the potential for the generation of ground gases (methane and carbon dioxide) and leachate (a toxic substance).


A landslide is a mass movement of material, such as rock, earth or debris, down the slope of a hill or cliff. They can happen suddenly or move slowly over long periods of time.


Data identifying landscape areas (shown as polygons) attributed with type of mass movement. Mass movement describes areas where deposits have moved down slope under gravity to form landslips.


A liquid, which seeps through a landfill, and by so doing, extracts substances from the deposited wastes.

Licensed Discharge Consents

Discharges of trade or sewage effluent into rivers, lakes or coastal waters requires consent from the Environment Agency, which specifies the volume, nature and composition of the discharge. The local water company usually issues consents for discharges directly into the sewerage system.

List 1 Dangerous Substance Inventory

A list of dangerous substances, including mercury, DDT and Hexachlorobenzene, which have Environmental Quality Standards (EQS), or concentration limits, that must not be exceeded in any controlled watercourse in England and Wales.

List 2 Dangerous Substance Inventory

A list of dangerous substances, including arsenic, benzene, lead and copper, which have Environmental Quality Standards (EQS), or concentration limits, that must not be exceeded in any controlled watercourse in England and Wales

Local Air Pollution Control (LAPC or LAAPC)

The Local Authority Air Pollution Control system was introduced under Part I of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The system controls emissions to the atmosphere from various industrial sectors covering approximately 17,000 individual processes. It will gradually be replaced by the similar Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control (LAPPC) system under the Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999.

Local Air Pollution Control (LAPC or LAAPC)

The Local Authority Air Pollution Control system was introduced under Part I of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The system controls emissions to the atmosphere from various industrial sectors covering approximately 17,000 individual processes. It will gradually be replaced by the similar Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control (LAPPC) system under the Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999.

Local Nature Reserve (LNR)

Areas with wildlife or geological features that are of special interest locally. They are usually of high value in the local context for formal education/research or informal enjoyment of nature by the public.