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Groundsure Hazard Alerts

Recommended report service

The recommended report service is provided by Oxford Software Solutions. 

This should also be read in conjunction with the recommended reports guide


Based on the Indicative Radon Atlas (1km). Properties will be flagged as "radon affected" if it falls within a 1km square where over 1% of properties are classed as in a radon affected area. 

Search distance:

Point = 25m

Polygon = 25m

Possible returns:

Return Report recommended?

"0","0 - 1","","None"


"1", "1 - 3","","None"


"3","3 - 5", "The study site is located in an area where new developments or extensions require radon protection.","Basic"

"4","5 - 10","The study site is located in an area where new developments or extensions require radon protection.","Basic" Yes

"10","10 - 30","The study site is located in an area where new developments or extensions require radon protection.","Full"


"G","Greater than 30","The study site is located in an area where new developments or extensions require radon protection.","Full"


"","No data available.","",""



Based on the Environment Agency river and coastal data and Ambiental surface water and groundwater data. 

The following rules apply:

Flood type Point search distance Polygon search distance Risk threshold
River and coastal (zone2) 100m 75m Low or higher
Surface water (pluvial) 50m 25m Low-Moderate or higher
Groundwater 50m 25m Moderate-High or higher

Possible returns:

Return Report recommended?

zone2 Clear

Pluvial Clear


zone2 Risk

Pluvial Clear


zone2 Risk

Pluvial Risk 


zone2 Clear

Pluvial Risk


Ground stability

Based on a combination of datasets to provide an indication of natural instability risk within the vicinity of a property. The following dataset categories are used; natural ground subsidence (shrink-swell, landslide, collapsible and compressible deposits, running sands and dissolution features), non-coal mining, infilled land, historical underground workings, historic surface ground workings, historical mining features, natural cavities, mining cavities, historical and current landfills.

Search distance:

Point = 75m

Polygon = 75m

Possible returns:

Return Report recommended?
Ground stability check required Yes
Ground stability check not required No

Please note we will eventually be discontinuing this alert based on the new mining alerts we offer. 



Based on the following data: existing or proposed oil and gas wells (conventional oil and gas, coalbed methane, shale etc, existing or proposed wind turbines (does not include planning applications for single wind turbines), existing or proposed power stations or nuclear installations, existing or proposed solar farms.

Search distance:

Point = 5km

Polygon = 5km

Possible returns:

Return Report recommended?
Wells:Yes Yes
Wells:No No

Note the return of "Wells" includes all the energy infrastructure listed above.



Based on the official route data from HS2, and will include both the original proposed route and current consultation route for phase 2.

Search distance:

Point = 5km

Polygon = 5km

Possible returns:

Return Report recommended
HS2: Location within 5000 metres Yes
HS2: Location greater than 5000 metres No


London Underground & Crossrail 1

This provides 2 alerts: 

  1. London Underground is based on the following data; London Underground, Docklands Light Railway, other subway systems and active railways. 
  2. Based on the Crossrail 1 route.

Search distance: 

Point = 250m

Polygon = 250m

Return Report recommended?

LondonUnderground: No

CrossRail: No


LondonUnderground: Yes

CrossRail: No


LondonUnderground: Yes

CrossRail: Yes


LondonUnderground: No

CrossRail: Yes


The "LondonUnderground" return includes all of the following:

  • London Underground
  • Docklands Light Railway
  • Other subway systems
  • Active railways (UK wide)



Based on data collected by Glenigan from all UK local Authorities. This is then divided into categories based on the following rules:

Application category Urban search distance Rural search distance

Extensions or home improvements on a single dwelling

75m 75m

A small residential development of one or two new dwellings

100m 250m

A medium development (mainly residential) of 3 to 9 dwellings

150m 250m

A large development (mainly residential) of ten or more dwellings

250m 500m

A small non-residential and mixed-use land project under £250k build cost

250m 500m

A large non-residential project over £250k build cost

250m 500m

A mega non-residential project over £200 million build cost

250m 500m

Possible returns: 

Return Report recommended?
Yes Yes
No No



Based on the official Coal Mining Reporting Area, as defined by The Coal Authority. 

Search distance:

Point = 25m

Polygon = on-site

Possible returns (only if coal is present): 

Coal [local authority name]


Based on the Cheshire Brine Compensation District as defined by the Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board. 

Search distance:

Point = 25m

Polygon = on-site

Possible returns (only if brine is present): 

Brine [local authority name]


Mining Alert - Non coal (new February 2022)

Based on a combination of over 20 datasets, with varying search distances to provide an indication of mining risk within the vicinity of a property. 

The response will include a breakdown of the non-coal mining risk types along with a dynamic list of known details. The mining types are Coal, Evaporite, Hydrocarbon, Metals, Stone and Unspecified. Where they are known we will return the specific mineral detail e.g. lead or clay, however there will be some instances where this information is not known, and an empty array [ ] will be returned. A full list of possible returns are shown below (All possible returns table).

Dataset category Point*/polygon** search distance Risk threshold
Historic land use - mining features 20m - 250m -
BGS BritPits 250m - 500m -
BGS non-coal mining hazards on-site D or higher (known or considered likely)
Geology - artificial and linear features 50m - 100m -
Stantec mining cavities 250m -
BGS historical mineral planning areas on-site -
Mine plans 100m - 250m -
BGS Property Shrink-Swell Assessment on-site Medium or higher
BGS Landslides Index 100m -
Sinkholes 25m -
Coastal erosion on-site Long term risk
Gypsum areas on-site -

* for point searches an additional 25m if added to the search distance

** in urban areas the distances will be halved. This will apply to areas categorised as A1 Core City, B1 Other City and C1 Large Town as defined by the House of Commons City and Town Classification of Constituencies and local Authorities. 

Possible returns:

Return Report recommended?

Non-coal true

- Mining type provided (e.g. Coal, Evaporite, Hydrocarbon, Metals, Stone, Unspecified)

- Mining detail provided (e.g. Shale, Salt, Oil, Lead, Clay, Ash)


Non-coal false


Full integration information is available here: 


GeoRisk Alerts - Groundsure website

Non-coal mining

Based on a combination of over 20 datasets, with varying search distances to provide an indication of mining risk within the vicinity of a property. 

Dataset category Point*/polygon** search distance Risk threshold
Historic land use - mining features 20m - 250m -
BGS BritPits 250m - 500m -
BGS non-coal mining hazards on-site D or higher (known or considered likely)
Geology - artificial and linear features 50m - 100m -
Stantec mining cavities 250m -
BGS historical mineral planning areas on-site -
Mine plans 100m - 250m -
BGS Property Shrink-Swell Assessment on-site Medium or higher
BGS Landslides Index 100m -
Sinkholes 25m -
Coastal erosion on-site Long term risk
Gypsum areas on-site -

* for point searches an additional 25m if added to the search distance

** in urban areas the distances will be halved. This will apply to areas categorised as A1 Core City, B1 Other City and C1 Large Town as defined by the House of Commons City and Town Classification of Constituencies and local Authorities. 

Possible returns:

Return Report recommended?
nonCoal true Yes
nonCoal false No

Ground stability 

Based on a combination of datasets to provide an indication of natural instability risk within the vicinity of a property. The following dataset categories are used; natural ground subsidence (shrink-swell, landslide, collapsible and compressible deposits, running sands and dissolution features - rank 3 (low) or above), non-coal mining hazards, infilled land, historical underground workings, historic surface ground workings, historical mining features, natural cavities, mining cavities, historical and current landfills.

Search distance:

Point = 75m

Polygon = 75m

Possible returns:

Return Report recommended?
groundStability true Yes
groundStability false No

Satellite monitoring

Based on SatSense satellite monitoring data, accurate to the millimetre, and designed to

identify location-specific notable or unusual levels of ground movement observed by

measurements from satellite radar.

Search distance:

Point = 25m

Polygon = on-site

Possible returns:

Return Report recommended?
groundMovement unknown No

Coal (if using the GeoRisk alert)

Based on the official Coal Mining Reporting Areas, as defined by The Coal Authority 

Search distance:

Point = 25m

Polygon = on-site

Possible returns:

Return Report recommended?
Coal true Yes
Coal false No

Brine (if using the GeoRisk alert)

Based on the Cheshire Brine Compensation District as defined by the Cheshire Brine

Subsidence Compensation Board.

Search distance:

Point = 25m

Polygon = on-site

Possible returns:

Return Report recommended?
Brine true Yes
Brine false No

Full GeoRisk Alert

This provides a single end point comprising the individual non-coal, ground stability, satellite monitoring, coal and brine GeoRisk Alerts. Each return will include a single JSON response based on the 5 risks. An example return:


  “coal”: true,

  “nonCoal”: true,

  “groundStability”: false,

  “brine”: true,

  “groundMovement”: "unknown"

Possible returns:

Return Report recommended?
true Yes
identified Yes
false No
notIdentified No
unknown No