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GIS Guide: how to remove donuts in QGIS

A donut polygon is a polygon with one or more holes in it. The Groundsure system cannot accept these types of shapes. This guide helps with fixing this issue in QGIS in order for the shapefile (.shp) to be accepted.  

  1. Make the file you would like to remove the donut from editable:

  2. Select the Split Features tool from the Advanced Digitizing Toolbar (can be added to QGIS by right clicking and selecting the toolbar) Note: Split Parts will not work, as it can’t be remerged.
  3. Cut across the entire polygon, making sure to cut across the area you want to open up:

  4. Using the Vertex Tool move vertices apart from each other at the split you want to keep. This can be as thin or wide as you like but there must be a gap. Don’t touch the split you want to remerge:

  5. Select both part of the polygon and use the Merge Selected Features tool:

  6. Select OK on the prompt:

  7. The split which wasn’t altered will be remerged and the split which was made larger will be kept, removing the donut:


Real life example

Example of what is originally drawn:


Fixed example:

Donut_fixed (1)