Factsheet: Natural cavities
What are natural cavities?
Natural geological cavities are underground voids created by a variety of processes, and include features such as sinkholes and caves. Most cavities are formed by the dissolution of soluble rock, such as chalk and limestone, whereas others are formed by the movement of loose materials that result in fissures and gulls.
Areas associated with geological cavities and voids have the potential to cause ground stability issues such as subsidence, surface collapses, mass movement and landslides.
Further information on the dataset used is available in our User Guide.
What should a purchaser do next?
We always recommend obtaining a structural survey from a suitably qualified and experienced person. A list of local surveyors is available from https://www.ricsfirms.com
As this is involves someone attending the property, the results of this survey will supersede the Groundsure report. You may also wish to check whether the property benefits from an NHBC guarantee or other building warranty that covers structural issues.
Professional advice should also be sought before altering the ground in any way, including planting or removing large shrubs and trees.