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Factsheet: Historic flood events

What are historic flood events?

Historic flood events are individual floods that are recorded by the Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales (NRW). This data is used to understand where flooding has occurred in the past and provides details as available.

What is the data based on?

The Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales holds information dating back to 1947, however, the database does also include some records dating back to the 1840s. The dataset usually includes larger flood events. It does not include all recorded flood events and local offices may hold more records.

Absence of a historic flood event for an area does not mean that the area has never flooded but only that the Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales do not currently have records of flooding within the area. Local Environment Agency offices and Local Authorities may have records of smaller-scale flooding and homeowners are also advised to check their TA6 Property Information Form for any records of flooding.

A record of a flood footprint in previous years does not mean that an area will flood again and this information does not take account of flood management schemes and improved flood defences.

What should a purchaser do next?

  • The Environment Agency may hold additional information on the event, and could provide information about their position towards managing the risk in the future. Their contacts details are:
Environment Agency National Customer Contact Centre (NCCC):
03708 506 506

  • Other options include contacting the Local Authority or Parish Council to see if there is any locally held information on the past flood event and possible flood defences within the area.